The celebration begins.........
and in the stands Derrick Lassic, starting running back from our '92 National Title team, and I give you a big ROLL TIDE!!!!
(in the interest of truth in advertising, I met Derrick during halftime. He was visiting with friends in the stands behind me and the rumor was floating in the crowd that he played on the '92 team. I turned and recognized him immediately. Derrick is a super guy and graciously shook every hand and signed every autograph for the duration of the half. I later felt bad about outing him and interrupting his visit but he handled it all with the patience and class one would expect of a high profile representative of the University)
(also take particular notice of that fat championship ring on his hand. That hunk of gold was a significant blip on the radar of my peripheral vision while posing for that shot. Again, Derrick Lassic, super guy)
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